imdb: 7.2 First air date March 11, 2014 Genre(s): Drama, Crime
| Overview The From Dusk Till Dawn TV series is based on the 1996 Quentin Tarantino film by the same name. The TV series foundation is the story of two criminal brothers, Seth and Richie Gecko. Seth Gecko is the level-headed, sane one of the two, while Richie is borderline nuts. The television series gives viewers more insight into the lives and minds of the two siblings than the previous film portrayed. Following several robberies performed by the Gecko brothers, they have the law hot on their trail. Freddie Gonzalez is the Texas Ranger who has made it his mission to capture the two before they escape into the depths of Mexico. From Dusk Till Dawn delves into the criminal lives of the brothers and adds an intertwining tale of vampires to round it out. |