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Jane Wants a Boyfriend (2015)

Jane Wants a Boyfriend DVD release date was set for August 30, 2016.

 Rating: 4.4/5 (5 users) *New - please help rate it
imdb: 6.8
Runtime: 101
Theater date
March 25, 2016
Genre(s): Drama, Romance
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When a young costume designer with Asberger's decides to go out and find love, her sister is initially surprised but then agrees to help her with the quest. Jane's dates provide a unique perspective into the human psyche and the story focuses heavily on the importance of love in all its various forms. Along the way, both sisters make many discoveries about themselves. Focusing on the human condition through the lens of these sisters, this character piece delves into some deep territory.
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UPC: 738329207533
Release Date August 30, 2016

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