imdb: 6.7 Runtime: 122 Theater date November 14, 2012 Genre(s): Drama, Romance
Trailer | Overview The volatile 1960s spilled over into the early 1970s, especially for Gilles, a Parisian high school student. Upon graduation, Gilles is able to explore his interests in music and art. He sees the emerging revolution as a time to make his mark in the art world. Political unrest rules the minds of many others, however, and Gilles is slowly succumbing to peer pressure. His girlfriend, Christine, is an anti-establishment radical, looking to further her political interests. Gilles counters with an artistic revolution, but his fight is short-lived. Gilles and Christine are involved in a serious vandalism act, forcing them to run to Italy, avoiding jail. They discover themselves through their Italian adventures, changing from irresponsible teenagers to concerned, young adults ready to change the world for good. |