Dad (1989)

Sometimes the greatest man you ever meet... is the first one.
 Rating: 5.0/5 (2 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: PG
imdb: 5.9
Runtime: 117
Theater date

Theater gross
$19.7 mil
Genre(s): Drama
Trailer trailer



John Tremont is a busy executive who has little time for anything but business. During a meeting, he learns that his mother, Bette, has had a heart attack. He rushes home to see her and care for his aging father, Jake, with whom he has a strained relationship. As his mother recovers, John continues to care for his father, teaching him to be more independent and mending their relationship. Bette is none to happy with Jake's newfound sense of himself, but John and his sister refuse to defer to her wishes. A health scare for Jake leads John to the conclusion that he must mend fences with his own son, from whom he is also estranged, before it's too late. Following his father's death, John returns to the life he left behind, determined to live it differently this time.
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UPC: 025192734724
Release Date May 31, 2005