Rating: TV-14 imdb: 7.9 First air date October 11, 2006 Genre(s): Comedy
| Overview Liz Lemon is the head writer for the TGS with Tracy Jordan show on NBC. Along with the mostly misguided and condescending advice from her extremely egotistical boss, Jack Donaghy, Liz must deal professionally (and more often, personally) with a band of unruly writers who'd rather play than work and an equally unruly band of actors who'd rather stare at themselves in the mirror than learn their lines. In addition to juggling her work life, she is also desperately trying to maintain some sense of a personal life. However, Liz's main job is to fix everyone else's lives while neglecting her own. Throughout her struggle to gain respect, notoriety, friendship, and love, we laugh, cry, and eye roll right along with her. |