King of the Gypsies (1978)

They have their own language... Their own codes of sex, honor and vengeance... And their own way of choosing a king.
 Rating: 5.0/5 (2 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: R
imdb: 6.3
Runtime: 112
Theater date

Theater gross
$7.3 mil
Genre(s): Drama
Trailer trailer



Dave is the grandson of King Zarcho, the patriarch of a group of gypsies now living in the United States. As King Zarcho nears the end of his life, he chooses Dave to lead the group after he dies. All Dave wants to do is to leave the group and try to find a life as an American leading a normal mainstream existence. Dave knows that his grandfather's wish cannot just be ignored or denied and must decide to honor his grandfather's wishes or leave his people forever.
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UPC: 844503000149
Release Date June 3, 2008

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