Movie Poster

Words and Pictures (2013)

Words and Pictures DVD and Blu-ray release date was set for September 9, 2014.

 Rating: 3.5/5 (11 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: PG-13
imdb: 6.6
Runtime: 111
Theater date
May 22, 2014
Theater gross
$2.2 mil
Genre(s): Romantic Comedy, Drama
Trailer trailer



Dina is an art teacher who believes that pictures are the best way to convey ideas. Jack, on the other hand, is an English teacher who believes that words are the stronger medium. The two teachers, who happen to teach at the same school, begin to argue over which medium is more important. As the debate continues, even the students become involved, competing to determine which teacher is correct. Meanwhile, Dina and Jack begin a turbulent romance. As they fight over whose school of thought is more powerful, they also fight to connect to each other.
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DVD + Digital
UPC: 031398200741
Release Date September 9, 2014

Blu-ray + Digital HD
UPC: 031398200956
Release Date September 9, 2014

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