Rating: TV-PG imdb: 7.8 First air date July 12, 2002 Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Crime
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| Overview When Adrian Monk's wife Trudy is killed in a car bomb likely intended for him, Monk becomes a recluse, paralyzed by fear and guilt. He's unable to leave his house due to his paranoia and germaphobia. Unfortunately, the San Francisco Police Department needs their star detective in order to crack troubling cases. With the help of a nurse, Monk reenters the world, dealing with 312 different fears as part of his obsessive-compulsive disorder. His neuroses are many, but his ability to put together the missing pieces in a case is remarkable. He works with Captain Leland Stottlemeyer and Lieutenant Randy Disher to solve the troubling crimes and put behind bars the nefarious criminals in the greater San Francisco area. |