imdb: 8.0 First air date September 24, 1993 Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Family
| Overview Boy Meets World is a popular 90's television series which can be categorized as a coming of age series. The show highlights the growing pains of transitioning from youth to adolescence and finally reaching adulthood through protagonist Cory Matthews. We watch Cory transition from Middle School to High School to College, all while being taught by the ever-present Mr. Feeny. Boy Meets World highlights the struggles of adolescence such as keeping up with school, maintaining friendships, juggling sibling rivalries, and dating. The show allows viewers to identify with Cory's all-too-real struggles, whether he is cramming for a test, asking that perfect person to the school dance, or fighting with his parents. Cory is accompanied by a cast there from the beginning, including on-again, off-again love interest Topanga Lawrence, best friend Shawn Hunter, and big brother Eric Matthews. |