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Dreamcatcher (2003)

Four friends hung a dreamcatcher in their cabin. It's about to catch something it cannot stop.
 Rating: 5.0/5 (2 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: R
imdb: 5.3
Runtime: 136
Theater date

Theater gross
$33.7 mil
Genre(s): Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
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Childhood friends Jonesy, Pete, Henry and Beaver have kept their friendship together over the years because of a special secret that they share. Every year they go on a trip to the Jefferson Tract to a cabin they own in order to hunt. However, this year turns out completely different as they end up sheltering and assisting a man who claims to have been wandering the woods for days, lost and confused, in the middle of a terrible blizzard. They soon discover that nothing is quite as it seems when the man shows signs of being infected with a terrible virus. All too soon, they are thrown into chaos when the virus reveals itself to be an alien life form, one that the military is trying to contain. The friends not only have to survive against the infection and alien, but stay away from an insane military admiral. The admiral has no compunction about wiping out the entirety of the Jefferson Tract, including the people living or visiting there, in order to contain or destroy the infection.
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UPC: 883929409747
Release Date September 16, 2014

UPC: 883929089192
Release Date November 3, 2009

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