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They (2002)

First comes the warning. Then comes the mark. Then comes the terror.
 Rating: 5.0/5 (2 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: PG-13
imdb: 4.6
Runtime: 90
Theater date

Theater gross
$12.7 mil
Genre(s): Horror, Thriller
Trailer trailer



Billy and Julia share a secret terror from their childhoods. Billy is still afraid of the dark and believes he was abducted by sinister beings as a child. Overcome by fear, he commits suicide. At Billy's funeral, Julia is reunited with Billy's friends Sam and Terry, who also suffered from childhood night terrors. Julia's skepticism about their stories disappears after she meets young Sarah. The child is terrified that "They" are coming for her. When Julia's night terrors return and leave a mysterious mark on her forehead, she begins to panic. Her boyfriend, Paul, thinks she is insane. He drugs her, but she escapes and catches a train. Is she really losing her mind? Or, are the strange creatures Sarah fears coming after her?
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UPC: 786936204353
Release Date June 10, 2003

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