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We Were Soldiers (2002)

400 U.S paratroopers. 4,000 Vietnamese soldiers. 12,000 miles away from home. 1 man led them into battle.
 Rating: 4.6/5 (5 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: R
imdb: 7.0
Runtime: 138
Theater date

Theater gross
$78.1 mil
Genre(s): Action, History, War
Trailer trailer



Lt. Colonel Hal Moore leads his men into Ia Drang Valley in this depiction of the first major battle of America's involvement in Vietnam. Upon their arrival in November 1965, Moore learns that an American base has been attacked, and he is ordered to take his nearly 400-man unit, the newly formed 7th Air Cavalry, and seek retribution, despite the fact that little is known about the enemy's strength, resources or specific locations. The men soon find themselves fighting overwhelming odds to survive, while a naïve photojournalist grows up watching the battle unfold. Back home, Moore's wife and the wife of one of his officers face the difficult task of delivering telegrams to the families of the soldiers who have fallen, while also keeping up the hopes and spirits in their own homes.
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UPC: 032429258571
Release Date April 25, 2017

UPC: 883929301195
Release Date January 1, 2013

UPC: 097361183343
Release Date June 3, 2008

UPC: 097363400240
Release Date August 20, 2002

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