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The Son (TV Series)

 Rating: 4.6/5 (17 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: TV-14
imdb: 7.5
First air date
April 8, 2017
Genre(s): Drama
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The Son is a television series set in Texas that spans from 1849 to 1915. The story primarily focuses on the life of Eli McCullough and his family, who rose from being a successful cattle baron to building a wealthy family through the oil business. Intertwined with Eli McCullough's life story are his son Pete McCullough and the experiences he had growing up in the wild frontier. The show also focuses on Eli McCullough's granddaughter Sydney Lucas who becomes a key figure in the family business. The story stretches through ten episodes and tells the rise and fall of the McCullough family.
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The Son - Season 1 [DVD]
DVD Release Date
Oct 3, 2017
UPC: 031398271475

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