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Dads (TV Series)

 Rating: 4.0/5 (6 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: TV-14
imdb: 5.5
First air date
September 17, 2013
Genre(s): Comedy

Eli Sachs and Warner Wittemore are successful businessmen with good lives. They are in their 30s, and everything seems to be going well for them. Then, disaster strikes, wreaking havoc on the comfortable world that they have come to know. Both of these men find their lives invaded by their dads, each of whom has a uniquely obnoxious set of characteristics. Living with them again now is destined to be a challenge, and neither of them is particularly looking forward to it. Can they figure out how to adjust their lives to make room for the men who raised them?
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Dads: The Complete Series
DVD Release Date
Nov 11, 2014
UPC: 887090085502