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The Spirit (2008)

Down these mean streets a man must come. A hero born, murdered, and born again.
 Rating: 5.0/5 (2 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: PG-13
imdb: 4.9
Runtime: 103
Theater date

Theater gross
$19.8 mil
Genre(s): Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Crime
Trailer trailer



Denny Colt was a regular cop working in a crime ridden city. One day he is killed, but somehow, his spirit returns to his body. This experience has a lasting and real effect on the way that Denny moves and thinks, and he decides to use his powers to eliminate crime entirely. When he finds out that a villain know at the Octopus intends to destroy the whole city, Denny renames himself The Spirit, and decides to put an end to those plans.
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UPC: 031398108436
Release Date April 14, 2009

UPC: 031398108443
Release Date April 14, 2009

Blu-ray + Digital HD
UPC: 031398108450
Release Date April 14, 2009