Movie Poster

The Insider (1999)

Two men driven to tell the truth … whatever the cost.
 Rating: 4.3/5 (3 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: R
imdb: 8.0
Runtime: 158
Theater date

Theater gross
$29.0 mil
Genre(s): Drama, Thriller
Trailer trailer



Jeffrey Wigand, a former executive in tobacco, decides to go on the CBS network's show 60 Minutes to reveal the long kept secrets of the tobacco industry, risking contempt of court charges. After the interview, CBS decides not to show the interview because of possible lawsuits. Wigand is suddenly left to his own devices and it appears that big tobacco might get away with it all due to the cowardice of CBS and its executives.
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UPC: 786936827224
Release Date February 19, 2013

UPC: 717951007391
Release Date April 11, 2000