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The Cat in the Hat (2003)

Don't mess with the hat.
 Rating: 3.8/5 (13 users) *New - please help rate it
Rating: PG
imdb: 3.4
Runtime: 81
Theater date

Theater gross
$100.4 mil
Genre(s): Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
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The Cat in the Hat is a lighthearted story about two bored siblings who are introduced to the land of imagination by a talking cat wearing a chapeau. Sally and Conrad think they will be forced to spend a rainy afternoon just staring out the window, but The Cat shows up and turns their world and home upside down. All alone in the house with nothing but a pet fish named Mr. Humberfloob to amuse them, the Walden children are thrown into a colorful and zany universe right in their own home. The Cat in the Hat teaches them to live life through their imaginings, but he quickly makes a mess of things. Sally and Conrad realize this exciting troublemaker must leave before their parents return.
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